Business Model Canvas Business Model Canvas Examples Hardware

The business model canvas can be used every bit a tool to dissect, understand others' companies' business models and how they are positioned in the market place.

In this article, we'll await at the Google business concern model sail. Proceed in heed that the business model canvas is just one of the frameworks you can use to build, design or appraise a concern model.

Also, a business model canvas will capture where a company is or where it volition want to exist in the future. Thus, we'll look at where Google concern is at the fourth dimension of this writing.

While a business model does create a long-term competitive advantage, being able to innovate it over time is disquisitional. If Google itself doesn't want to exist disrupted, it will demand to evolve its business model.

This might imply a consummate change in a few years on a few things that comprise its business model co-ordinate to the business concern model canvas like key partners, distribution channels and customer relationships.

While the vision of a company might stay the aforementioned, other things like value proposition might modify essentially.


  • Google key partners
    • Partnership agreements
    • Open handset brotherhood
    • AdSense network
    • Webmasters
  • Google key activities
  • Google'south value proposition
    • The value proposition for billion of users
    • Tools and productivity apps
    • Google advert business
    • Google AdSense
  • Google customer relationships
    • Salesforce able to support AdWords (now Google Ads) businesses
    • Privacy
  • Google customer segments
    • Free internet users
    • Agencies, marketers, and businesses
    • Publishers
  • Google cardinal resources
  • Google distribution channel
  • Google price construction
  • Google revenue streams
  • Other business models examples
    • Related

Google central partners

Each 24-hour interval billions of people become online, and they "google things upward." For many of those people, Google isde factothe web. Yet it hasn't always been this way. In that location was a time, dorsum in the late 1990s when the web was called AOL.

Indeed, probably more than half of the traffic on the internet went through this portal. When Google launched, while information technology had figured a nifty product and search engine, it didn't have a business model even so.

For instance, past reviewing some of the thoughts of Google founders Page and Brin, it seems clear that they idea advertising wasn't well suited for a search engine:


In the paper, they pointed out their "mixed feelings" about the advertisement business organisation model. Every bit they believed any search engine based on the premise of advertizement in a way went against its primary mission.

Nevertheless, over time Google figured a way to show advertising in a way that would non impact user experience.

Since the beginning traffic going through Google'southward digital properties (its search pages) has been a disquisitional ingredient for its long term success.

 That is also why initially Google made a deal with AOL to be featured as a primary search engine on its portal, which gave it massive visibility.

AOL on its manus was offered such a good deal, and it too saw search as a secondary feature, that information technology couldn't say no to Google. Therefore, while we give for granted the billions of queries – that each twenty-four hours – go through Google.

We miss the fact that Google had to build up a vast distribution network that each day guarantees information technology this traffic. This isn't a unproblematic network, but rather a massive infrastructure worth billions of dollars each twelvemonth.

How does this infrastructure look similar? At that place are a few elements:

Partnership agreements

Ane example is the multi-billion dollar deal with Apple to have Google featured as a default search engine on Safari. Traffic doesn't come from thin air; it comes from concrete devices.

As the web has shifted from desktop to mobile devices, Google has developed its distribution strategy (for instance via Google Chrome).

Yet, a vast array of devices (take iPhones or iPads) are operated past Apple tree IOS operating organisation and its net browser (Safari). To be featured on those devices Google pays a substantial amount of money.

Open handset alliance

As pointed out above mobile users have grown massively in the last decade. This implies that whoever takes concur of the mobile content consumption can build a sustainable business organisation model for years to come.

With other 84 engineering science and mobile companies, Google forged the Open Handset Alliance. In fact, in 2005, Google caused Android (what would become the prevailing operating system for mobile).

Just after a few months from the launch of the iPhone by Steve Jobs, Google announced its Open Handset Alliance. The aim was to build "the first truly open and comprehensive platform for mobile devices."

The business organisation model behind the Open Handset Alliance is a uncomplicated ane. Google provides its costless of accuse, the operating system for mobile devices, Android, and in exchange for many apps, like Google Play and Google Chrome come up pre-installed.

AdSense network

It wasn't but traffic the critical ingredient for Google success. It could offer relevant and high-quality content compared to any other portal, or search engine.

On the one hand, Google had figured out how to offer relevant ads by introducing AdWords with its quality score.  On the other hand, information technology needed to residual that with high-quality organic content from the web.

While Google did offer that by indexing the unabridged visible web, it managed to improve quite a lot when it offered to whatsoever publishers (independently from their brand) the possibility to monetize their content via theAdSense network.

Comprising millions of websites around the world; those websites allow Google to tap into their sites to place banners from businesses that want to advertise their services. Google shares the ad revenues generated from those banners with these publishers.


A great payoff of Google is its ability to send qualified traffic to any site, based on searches people perform. For instance, if I search for "auto insurance" on Google, I will discover a few text-based ads on elevation of its search results.

At the same fourth dimension, I'll also find may other organic results, that didn't pay a dime to be featured at that place. This is possible because Google has a massive index of the spider web, and if that content is relevant, it will be featured on Google'due south first page.

Being on Google's starting time folio might turn in substantial income for those sites able to rank through it. In particular, spider web owners can submit their website via Google Search Console (a platform to monitor the indexing of a site) to control how Google sees the site.

This allows publishers – independently from being function of Google AdSense – to "control" their rankings vis Google organic search engine. Millions of webmasters each day help Google alphabetize their content, and make it easier for the search engine to proceed a qualified index of the web!

Google k ey activities

Google mission is to "organize the world's information and make it universally attainable and useful."

This assuming vision requires Google keeps innovating in the search industry, while it also looks forward to new ways the web is developing. From voice search, visual search, machine learning and more.

Google needs to invest first of all in a robust and secure infrastructure that makes it possible for the company to handle each day billions of queries. This implies a few cardinal activities:

  • At a basic level, Google has to keep innovating its search algorithms.This alone requires substantial investments.
  • Equally voice search is growing it is critical that Google keeps innovating past likewise offering new products.For case, Google launched its new voice devices, such as Google Abode, which compete against other tech giants, similar Amazon'due south Alexa and Cortana.
  • Google still generated most of its revenues from advertising. A business model based on a unmarried source of revenue might not be sustainable in the long run. That is also why Google is investing resources in betting in other areas that might lead to the next innovation.

Google'southward v alue proposition

For a tech giant like Google, which has a sophisticated business model, based on a subconscious revenue generation, there isn't a single value proposition.

Instead, several value propositions will serve the purpose of keeping key partnerships that allowed Google to scale upwardly and permit it today to maintain its market place authorisation. Thus, if I had to summarize the primal value propositions those would be:

The value proposition for billion of users

Free search engine for billions of users effectually the globe. This is how Google managed to grow chop-chop. A great, reliable and free service that allowed users anywhere in the world to notice the information they needed, fast.

Tools and productivity apps

Besides its free search engine, Google also offers a set of gratuitous tools and apps (to mention a few: Gmail, Google Analytics, Blogger, Google Books, Google Chrome and many others). Those free tools are among the most used in the business concern globe.

Google advertising business

The core of the Google business concern model is advertising, focused on targeted text-based ads for businesses offered via the AdSense network.

Before Google existed,d at that place was no mode for marketers to know in particular all the conversion metrics of their ads. While Overture was the first in offer CPC advertising, Google managed to scale it upward at massive levels.

Google AdSense

Before Google disrupted the advertising globe and took over the digital ad market, a few established publishers could make money via advertising.

With its AdSense network, Google too allowed pocket-size publishers to monetize their content.

In a style, it was a democratization of the digital advertising market, where anyone with the content that got the most eyeballs and attention could monetize on it, independently from its brand.

Google AdSense is notwithstanding an essential chemical element of Google value suggestion.

Google c ustomer relationships

The greenbacks moo-cow for Google is its AdWords network, made of a growing number of businesses looking to sponsor their products and services. That implies ii things.

First, Google needs to keep offering targeted ads that allow those businesses to generate leads. 2d, Google is as worth as much equally the qualified traffic it can generate.

This implies that Google needs to go along focusing on making sure that users get back to its search results pages. Indeed, even if users do non pay for Google search results, they are the products.

As any attention merchant, Google is selling back their attending. That means Google volition need:

Salesforce able to support AdWords (at present Google Ads) businesses

Offer the proper support to businesses function of the AdWords networkrequires a substantial investment in business organization evolution people able to expand the list of companies that join Google's advertizing network. This implies local initiatives, training, and support to those businesses.


Companies similar DuckDuckGo have congenital their business on Google weakness in terms of privacy. If those concerns are not addressed Google might be losing an increasing chunk of users, willing to switch because of privacy concerns

Google c ustomer segments

In terms of value cosmos, with its massive business organisation model, Google has several "customers" not intended merely to businesses paying Google for service but also those people or system that contribute to Google fiscal success. In that respect we accept:

Gratuitous internet users

Net users effectually the globe. Fifty-fifty though Google is a costless service, Google'southward users are amongst the most important "customers." If Google lost them, at that place would exist no business concern at all.

Agencies, marketers, and businesses

Those who are bringing big bucks to Google are agencies, marketers and businesses function of its Ad Network.They are driven by the fact that Google is an incredible source of targeted, and qualified traffic.


AdSense Network Members allow Google to offering targeted ads on its spider web properties.

It is important that Google keeps offer those publishers enough incentives to go along monetizing their content via the AdSense platform.

I treat them hither as "customers" because Google still needs to "convince" them to utilize the AdSense platform to monetize their content.

Google k ey resources

Even though Google is a digital business, that might make you think the company has no existent assets. This is far from the truth.

Equally of 2017, Google had $7.2 billion of contractual obligations, primarily related to data center operations, digital media content licensing, and purchases of inventory.

This implies a few cardinal resources:

  • The most basic affair of any site with a large number of traffic needs is a massive server infrastructure. Back in the late 1990s when Google was still in the very initial stage at Stanford, information technology brought down its internet connectedness several times, by causing several outages. That allowed its founders to sympathize they needed to build upwardly a solid infrastructure on tiptop of their search tool. Today Google has a massive Information technology infrastructure fabricated of various information centers around the earth.
  • Some other chemical element to allow Google to stay on superlative of his game is to keep innovating in the search industry. Maintaining, updating and innovating Google'due south algorithms isn't inexpensive. Indeed, in 2017 Google spent over $sixteen.six billion in R&D, which represented fifteen% of its total revenues.

Google d istribution channel

I believe that one of the vital ingredients to Google's success was its distribution strategy, since its first few years of operations. That is also why Google relies on:

  • global sales team which uses business development to keep growing Google operations
  • Google deals and partnerships that bring it on billions of devices in the world

I've extensively covered Google distribution strategy beneath:

  • The Deal That Made Google The Tech Behemothic We Know Today
  • Why Google Success Was The Fruit Of Its Concern Distribution Strategy

Google c ost construction

With its over $110 billion in revenues in 2017, Google reported a $ billion in net profits. This implies a few critical items in its income statements:

  • traffic acquisition costs is a crucial metric to assess Google ability to generate value over the years:
TAC stands for traffic acquisition costs, and that is the charge per unit to which Google has to spend resources on the pct of its revenues to learn traffic. Indeed, the TAC Charge per unit shows Google'due south percentage of revenues spent toward acquiring traffic toward its pages, and it points out the traffic Google acquires from its network members. In 2017 Google recorded a TAC rate on Network Members of 71.nine% while the Google Backdrop TAX Rate was xi.6%.
  • As we've seen R&D costs represented 15% of its total revenues, or $xvi.half dozen billion
  • Sales and marketing represented xi.6% of its revenues or almost $xiii billion
  • Datacenters costs as well represent another expert chunk of Google cost of revenues

Google r evenue streams

Google business concern model tin be cleaved down into three main lines:

  • Google advertizement network
  • Google other revenues (consisting of Apps, in-app purchases, and digital content in the Google Play Store; Google Cloud offerings and Hardware)
  • Google other bets

Other business models examples

  • Amazon Business Model
  • Microsoft Business Model
  • Netflix Business Model
  • LinkedIn Business concern Model
  • Google Business Model
  • Facebook Concern Model
  • Spotify Business Model
  • Uber Business Model
  • Lyft Business Model
  • Business organisation Strategy Examples

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